
Posted by hongbing on 2015-08-21


avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          17.62    0.02    3.20    1.37    0.00   77.80

Device:            tps    kB_read/s    kB_wrtn/s    kB_read    kB_wrtn
sda               1.86        22.79        17.90    4910899    3857428

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 0  0 619448 167984   5728 366044   12   13    52    40  125  393 18  3 78  1  0


如果使用的linux内核版本 >= 2.6.20,且内核开启了 CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT, CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING, CONFIG_TASKSTATS and CONFIG_VM_EVENT_COUNTERS 选项,python版本在2.5及其以上,我们可以使用iotop -P来查看I/O调度器(I/O Scheduler)管理的所有进程,不使用-P选项,默认显示所有的线程(注意iotop命令需要在root权限下运行)。然后可以使用lsof -p [pid]来分析到底该进程正在频繁操作哪些文件。

但是如果使用的系统内核版本 < 2.6.20,需要搞清楚哪些进程在进行大量的io操作,又该如何呢?

可以使用linux内核提供的block_dump参数。linux doc对block_dump的描述:

block_dump block_dump enables block I/O debugging when set to a nonzero value. More information on block I/O debugging is in Documentation/laptops/laptop-mode.txt.


If you want to find out which process caused the disk to spin up, you can gather information by setting the flag /proc/sys/vm/block_dump. When this flag is set, Linux reports all disk read and write operations that take place, and all block dirtyings done to files. This makes it possible to debug why a disk needs to spin up, and to increase battery life even more. The output of block_dump is written to the kernel output, and it can be retrieved using “dmesg”. When you use block_dump and your kernel logging level also includes kernel debugging messages, you probably want to turn off klogd, otherwise the output of block_dump will be logged, causing disk activity that is not normally there.


/etc/init.d/klogd stop
# clear dmesg
dmesg -c 2>/dev/null
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump
if [ -f /tmp/diskio.log ]; then
        cat /dev/null > /tmp/diskio.log
#waiting 5 seconds to print io info to kernel output
sleep 5
dmesg -c >> /tmp/diskio.log
echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump
/etc/init.d/klogd start


[88005.820372] jbd2/sda1-8(140): WRITE block 239498592 on sda1 (8 sectors)
[88005.821425] jbd2/sda1-8(140): WRITE block 239498600 on sda1 (8 sectors)
[88006.732202] kworker/u8:1(13277): WRITE block 2537400 on sda1 (8 sectors)
[88006.732327] kworker/u8:1(13277): WRITE block 25003008 on sda1 (16 sectors)
[88006.732354] kworker/u8:1(13277): WRITE block 1599768 on sda1 (8 sectors)

解释一下输出的内容,[88005.820372]是机器启动到现在的时间,单位为秒, jbd2/sda1-8(140)进程名和pid,后面的内容为磁盘写数据的内容,block后面的数字表示的不是文件层面的block,而是硬件层面的block(也即是扇区),扇区的大小为512B,而大多数文件系统的block大小为4K,因此转换为文件系统的block只需要将后面的值除以8。


cat /tmp/diskio.log | awk -F"[() \t]" '/(READ|WRITE|dirtied)/ {activity[$2]++} END {for (x in activity) print x, activity[x]}'| sort -nr -k2


jbd2/sda1-8 21
kworker/u8:1 7
rs:main 3
sh 2

仅仅凭上面的信息是无法知道具体在写哪一个文件。要知道哪个文件是io操作大户,一种方式是前面提到的通过lsof -p [pid]命令来分析进程打开的文件,找到正在频繁操作的文件。 另一种方式是通过debugfs工具来分析。



[88006.732202] kworker/u8:1(13277): WRITE block 2537400 on sda1 (8 sectors)



$sudo mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
mount:none 已挂载或 /sys/kernel/debug 忙
mount:根据 mtab,none 已挂载于 /sys/kernel/debug


$sudo debugfs -R 'open /dev/sda1'
debugfs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)
$sudo debugfs -R 'icheck 317175' /dev/sda1
debugfs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)
Block	Inode number
317175	3545002
$sudo debugfs -R 'ncheck 8' /dev/sda1
debugfs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)
Inode	Pathname
3545002	/home/hongbing/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Cache/data_1

